Field Dictionaries
Field dictionaries translate a list of data codes to human readable values for use in Feature Information tooltips, Labels, and Free Text Search Results.
Field Dictionaries are only applicable for converting between Integers and Strings.
Assigning Field Dictionaries
To assign field dictionaries:
- Select the dataset in Mapworks UI
- Click Assign Dictionaries
- Click the magnifying glass next to a field
- Search for and select a dictionary
- Click Add
- Click OK
Creating Field Dictonaries
To create a field dictionary:
- Go to Mapworks UI
- Click Mgt Console in the bottom left
- In the sidebar, click Field Dictionaries
- Click the Create Field Dictionaries icon on the right
- Enter the dictionary values following the pattern (Code, Dictionary value)
Alternatively, click Import Field Dictionaries to import the dictionary as a CSV file
When importing field dictionaries by CSV, multiple dictionaries can be imported as single file using the format pictured below:
Conditional Field Dictionaries
Multiple dictionaries can be assigned to a field with a condition that checks another field's value to decide which dictionary is used in each case.
To create conditional field dictionaries:
- Create a basic field dictionary for each condition
- Select the dictionaries and click the Create Conditional Field Dictionaries button on the right to convert them to be used conditionally
- Click the Conditional button to toggle the view to list conditional field dictionaries
- Add a condition to each dictionary
- Assign all relevant conditional dictionaries to the dataset field