Publication is the process of pushing data into the Mapworks ecosystem. During this process, Mapworks will encode the geographic data in format optimised for visualisation.
Manual Publication
To manually publish a dataset:
- Highlight the dataset in Mapworks UI
- Click Publish
Publication Schedules
A publication schedule can be set for datasets using PostgreSQL or SQL server.
Modes of publication:
- Full Refresh – Completely wipe and reload all features on schedule
- Incremental – Scan features by a 'last modified' field and only update features with changes
- Live – Query directly to the database at short intervals
- Manual – Dataset will not publish without manual intervention
Note: A layer must be configured as either standard or live on the initial configuration but the interval can be adjusted later.
If a publication schedule is not enabled, the dataset will not update unless manually triggered.
Publication Rollback
When a dataset is published, the most recent previous version of the data is saved.
To rollback a dataset:
- Select the dataset in Mapworks UI
- Click Advanced
- Click Roll Back to Previous Version
Publication Hooks
Publication Hooks call a function to confirm whether an underlying script has finished updating a table before allowing Mapworks to proceed with its publication. This is to avoid scenarios where long running scripts may conflict with a scheduled publication.
This is only applicable for PostgreSQL databases. Publication hooks are a user defined database function that will run in the context of the dataset's database connection. The hook will be invoked at these points in the publication lifecycle:
- Before publication starts
- After publication starts
- After publication finishes
- When a publication error is encountered
The payload will contain the event type and relevant dataset information. In the case of a 'before publication' event, publication may be cancelled with an appropriate response to the hook.