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Line Styling


  • Line Cap – End cap for each line
  • Line Join – Style for polygon corners
  • Line Dash – Line fill style (solid, dashed, dotted)

Line Cap Join Dash

Line Width

When assigning the width for lines in a layer, there are two modes:

  • Fixed Width – fixed width for all zoom scales
  • Scale-dependent width – line width is generated at each scale based on configured range

To configure Scale-dependent width lines:

  1. In the sidebar, select the Layers tab
  2. Right click on a line layer and click Styles
  3. Under the Geometry tab under Line Width, choose "Scale-dependent width"
  4. Select a minimum/maximum Scale Range and minimum/maximum Line Width

Note: At scales outside the boundary, the relevant minimum/maximum width is used.

Scale Dependant Width

Line Markers

Line markers are icons which can be placed at fixed points along a line or assigned to repeat at intervals.

Line markers require a Glyph to first be defined. See Glyphs

To add Line Markers:

  1. In the sidebar, select the Layers tab
  2. Right click on a line layer and click Styles
  3. Click on the Glyphs tab or Textures tab and assign an icon

Line Markers Texture

  1. Click on the Line tab

Line Markers

Configuring Fixed Position markers:

  1. Under Marker Placement, click Fixed Position
  2. Click Add New Item
  3. Enter the position as a percentage of the line distance or drag the slider to the desired position

Line Marker Example

Line Markers Position

Configuring Repeating markers:

  1. Under Marker Placement, click Repeat
  2. Select a number of pixels as the interval

Line Marker Example

Line Markers Position

Line marker colour, opacity, size, rotation and offset options may be configured similarly to point layers. Check the Rotate marker box to automatically orientate the markers to follow the direction of the lines.

Line Markers