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An SVG Sprite file can be used to import multiple icons for use in a specific layer. The icons are mapped to IDs which are accessible as expressions in the Advanced tab.

To configure SVG Glyphs:

  1. In the sidebar, select the Layers tab
  2. Right click the layer and click Styles

Layer Styles Right Click

  1. Click the Glyphs tab

SVG Glyph Style Tab

  1. Enter a URL for an SVG Sprite file or a DataURI
  2. Click Load
  3. Select an icon

SVG Glyphs Icons

  1. Select a Colouring Mode
  • Embedded – uses colour that is defined in the SVG file
  • Mask – uses inner colour configured under Geometry Styling

SVG Glyphs Colouring Mode

SVG Glyphs in Expressions

When using SVG Glyphs in expressions, hover the icons to find their coded value.

SVG Glyphs Coded Values

An example of an expression using an SVG Glyph:

SVG Glyphs Expression Example

See Expressions for more information.