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When configuring labels, there are two formats:

  • Label Text – appears on the map within a polygon or adjacent to a point or line
  • Tooltip Text – appears on mouse-over hover and appears as the title of the left-click pop-up

labels click example

labels hover example

Fields values can be accessed in labels by placing it within pipes. Any plain text included outside of pipes will appear as is. Other symbols such as brackets, $, % or degrees ° can be included as plain text as well.

In addition, new line characters can be included in both the label (using \n) and the tooltip (using

label format

label format

Labels can have a separate visible scale range to their layer but unless specified they will match the scale of the layer.

label placement

Placement refers to where a label appears oriented to it's feature (lines/points)

label overflow

Overflow allows labels to be forced on even if they would not fit inside the polygon at the current scale.

label priority

If multiple labelled features are in close proximity, Priority determines which labels are most visible when the view is cluttered.