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Layer Selector Options


The Layer Selector has a variety of functionality which can be accessed by right-clicking on layers or groups. Multiple layers can be highlighted for queries or to apply changes to groups of layers simultaneously.

Options for Layers

Layer Selector Right-Click Options

VisibleToggle whether layer will appear on the map
ActiveToggle whether layer will interact when clicked or hovered
LabelledToggle whether the defined label is visible on the map
HiddenToggle whether layer appears in the Layer Tree (Map visibility is not affected)
Edit TitleEdit the title of the layer
RefreshReload features from the server
PropertiesOpen the Layer Properties menu
See: Properties
FieldsOpen Fields Editor
See: Fields
StylesOpen Styling menu
See: Styles Editor
Copy StylesCopy the style of the layer so that it can be quickly pasted into another layer
See: Copy Styles
DuplicateCreate a duplicate of the layer
OpacityQuick adjust the opacity of the layer
DeleteRemove layer from the map (The layer is not deleted unless done so in Mapworks UI)
QueryOpen the Query Builder on the layer
See: Query
ThematicsGenerate Thematics on the layer
See: Thematics
Create ThemeCreate a theme on the layer
See: Thematics
Go To ExtentZoom to the full extent of the layer
Save LayerSave styling to the layer object (Styling will be preserved if the layer is imported to another map)
See: Save Layers
Revert LayerRemove any map specific changes to this layer (i.e. Revert to saved layer state)
View LayerOpen the Mapworks UI Layer list, filtering to show only the selected Layer
View DatasetOpen the Mapworks UI Dataset list, filtering to show only the selected Dataset

Options for Groups

Layer Selector Right-Click Options

VisibleToggle whether the containing layers will appear on the map. Note: When a group's visibility is toggled, the layers within the group retain their own visibility state
Edit TitleEdit the title of the Group
DeleteRemove group and containing layers from the map (The layers are not deleted unless done so in Mapworks UI)
QueryOpen the Query Builder on all the layers in the group
See: Query
View LayerOpen the Mapworks UI Dataset list, filtering to show only the selected Layers contained in the group
View DatasetOpen the Mapworks UI Dataset list, filtering to show only the selected Datasets contained in the group

Selecting multiple Layers

Multiple layers can be highlighted for queries or to apply changes to groups of layers simultaneously.

Note: When layers of different types are selected together, only the layers that are compatible with the chosen right-click option will be acted upon

To perform an operation on multiple layers and/or groups simultaneously:

  1. Click on a Layer
  2. Hold Shift and click on any number of additional layers and/or groups
  3. Right-click on one of the highlighted layers or groups, and select an option

Multiple select

Multiple select